My previous pointers on passing the PhilNITS-FE exam focuses on the "preparation" stage, this entry focuses on tips for the "actual exam day."
Reminder : General Description of the Exam (both AM and PM exams)

Tips for the AM Exam
- Try to simplify first before computing/solving (especially true for large numbers, decimal points or complicated equations)
- Do not leave any item blank. Actual scoring might have weighted score per choice.
- Do not spend too much time on “conceptual” or definition-type questions if you do not have any idea about it. Better to guess then proceed with next item.
- “Units” are very important during computations
- Choose the best answer when you feel there seems to be more than one correct answer
- Usually you can readily eliminate one or two of the answer choices
- Sometimes you can quickly (but intelligently) guess the correct answers (you may review your answer using the conventional way if there is still time later)
- Review your answers if there is still time remaining. There are no additional points for submitting your papers early
- Suggested time allocation : 1.5 mins per question
- Decide your language of preference (C, Java) prior to the exam (but quickly scan also the other option, just in case it offers a much simpler problem to solve)
- Tracing the program may be the best way to find the correct answer (so practice your tracing/debugging skills so you can do it very quickly)
- All questions are designed that they can be answered, and “hints” and “clues” can be found within the program/question
- The fewer the sub-questions, the more weight (in points) they carry
- Exam questions are designed with the intent that any examinee with general knowledge can answer them
- Do not get intimidated by technically sounding terms that you are not familiar with, as usually a brief explanation about them is mentioned, or, they are not critical to the actual program
- Do not get overwhelmed by long questions, flowcharts, or codes (if you do, you will fail to properly understand the program flow)
- The longer the question, the more “clues” are mentioned in the question itself
- Sometimes the answers are already inside the question text, and can be found without reading the code or flowchart
- Program modules are often highly independent from each other (as part of a good coding practice), so you can break them down and analyse by modules (instead of analyzing the program flow as a whole)
- It might be a good idea to have a “quick glance” at the answer choices to better understand each question
- It is most likely that you will have to go back and refer to the original questions when answering the sub-questions
- Manage your reading time well (see suggestions for time allocation)
- Suggested time allocation : 15 mins each (for the "Easy" questions #1, 2, 3, 6, 7), 30 mins each (for the "Difficult" questions #4, 5, 8, 9)
Properly Filling Up Your Answer Sheets
- If you filled up your examinee number incorrectly, you get NO SCORE for the entire exam set!
- If you improperly marked your answers, you get NO POINTS for that particular question
- All questions for the morning exam is compulsory. Do not leave any item blank
- If you failed to mark the “Selection Column” (between C and Java questions) properly, you will get NO POINTS for those particular questions
- If you change your answer, completely and neatly erase your previous answer (exams will be checked by scanning machines)
As a last piece of advice, it might be wise to bring little snacks (more of the "brain food" type) and bottled water which you may eat during the long exam. Better bring also packed lunch as it might be hard to find fastfood centers during the exam day (usually falls on a Sunday).
hello po sir, thanks po sa mga pointers, kukunin ko po yung FE exam this sunday. tanong ko lang po kung tama ba yung mga gamit ko para sa exam? permit na po ba yung papel na pina fill-up-an na me kasamang 2x2 photo? tatlo po kasi yun, tapos yung isa pinatago saken, baka kako po kasi hinde yun yung permit, mahirap na po hehe, tsaka 9:30 po yung exam diba? wala po kasing binigay saken, wala din po kasi akong ibang mapagtanungan.. thanks po and Godbless :)
hi Rein. I'm glad you are challenging the exam this Sunday. Registration starts from 8:00am. Actual exam starts from 9:00am. If you are late, hindi ka na nila papasukin. Yes. Yan hawak mo na may 2x2 picture is your exam permit. Dapat dala mo iyan during sa exam.
Good luck!
thank you po sir, bukas na po yung exam hehe, tanong lang po ulet, kailangan po ba magdala ng calculator sa exam? o sila na po magpoprovide? o mano-mano lang po talaga yung mga computations dun?
hi Rein. no calculators. manual computations only. so better simplify equations first :)
you may want to download also the "FE Exam Handbook" (, it contains many important reminders and DOs and DON'Ts.
good luck on the exam tomorrow.
ah, thanks po, wahaha buti na lang po pala mahaba yung exam.. salamat po sa mga pointers and guidelines, sobrang appreciated ko po, Godbless po sir, sana po makapasa ako ehehe :)
hi Rein. results are out ( did you pass?
whew, kelan lng ako nainform about the FE test ng PhilNITS.
Sir(If this site is still alive), how hard nga po ba ung exam??
Junior student plng po kc ako ng IT and my teachers are encouraging me to take the exam.
Any advices from you sir?
I feel your teacher is confident you can pass this exam. That's a good start :)
If you are going to take this Oct. 18 exam, then I suggest you download past (visit exams and try solving them, as you do not have much time to prepare anymore. If you can get a copy of the "FE Exam Preparation Book" (available from PhilNITS office), it contains the most frequently appearing topics you should focus on.
Read also my most recent post about the "20 Topics You Can To Start Your Review On".
Ayeee!..Thanks for the tips and pointers sir..:))
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