In cooperation with PhilNITS, I can finally offer formal review courses for DavaoeƱos in preparation for the October 2008 PhilNITS exam.
The plan is actually quite simple, gather enough participants interested in taking the exam, improve their confidence to pass the exam, and then have them take the exam. But of course it is easier said than done.
For starters, it will be challenging to gather enough participants from Davao who are willing to invest both time and money and undergo a rigorous review course for an exam whose benefits they are not yet very familiar with. Second, who will want to invest in a review course that has no track record yet to boast of its effectiveness. Third, how will you improve the participants' confidence enough to pass an exam whose national passing ratio so far is only about 15%.
Fortunately, somehow, once the decision has been made to push through with the review course, solutions started appearing for the challenges mentioned. And any new problems or challenges that comes along the way will just have to be dealt with as they appear.
For the review course participants, PhilNITS will untilize its exisiting network to invite prospective reviewees. They will try to tap also some sponsors that would be willing to take care of some, if not all, of participants would-be expenditure for the review, including the enrollment fees and materials.
As for the review course program itself, I would just have to rely on my actual industry experience, and also on my experience of conducting similar exam preparatory courses before.
Here is a quick glance of the features of the review course...
The importance and benefits of the exam for IT engineers would be well emphasized, by showing the participants a picture of what is waiting for them in the world of IT, particularly in the software development industry.

And once we get the proper motivation for challenging the PhilNITS exam, a systematic and smart approach to studying/reviewing will be implemented. Considering the very wide scope of topics of the PhilNITS exam, the only way to effectively prepare for it is if we can somehow provide an organization and structure to the concepts and skills it requires the examinees to have. The next step would be to assess where the weak area is, and to improve on those weak areas.
And finally, we will work on the confidence of the participants, and bring it to a level that will hopefully be enough for them to pass the exam. Confidence is equally as important as actual knowledge and skill, because the absence of which may cause a relatively knowledgable and talented examinee to fail. Incidentally, to build/improve confidence, it is definitely necessary to improve ones skill and knowledge as well.
With all these systems in place and running as planned, and with the dedication of the participants, I am hoping that Davao can produce several passers this coming October exam.
just want to ask if you are invited to be sponsored for this exam in it still possible to have a sponsor if i decide to join the review and take the exam on april?
we are thankful we have a sponsor now, but we are not sure if there will still be a sponsor on april
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